Sunday – 01.10, 10:30, start: MPK stop “Tramwajowa” – under the WUWA café
We invite you to visit the largest squot in Wrocław, which not only serves a residential function, but is also the venue for many social and cultural activities, a support centre for people in crisis of homelessness, a community garden or provides intervention housing for the Kultura Równości.
What does the building look like from the inside? What do the squoters eat? Is the squot a place without rules? Why are its male and female residents not going to take out a loan for their own flat? Will they occupy our flat when we go on holiday? As the members and members of the Hulajpole collective themselves write: “We know how much these questions bother you, we see how many of them there are in online discussions. We will be happy to answer your questions, or not – but it’s still worth coming!”.
Together, we will confront perceptions of squats, stereotypical representations of them in the media and the common narrative of opponents of this form of housing. We will also learn about the practical construction or technical solutions that the people who live in Hulajpole did and have done to adapt the building to their needs.
People who have always wanted to visit a Hulajpole but have been reluctant to go there themselves are particularly encouraged to attend.