ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 19a/21

ul. Ofiar Oświęcimskich 19

Tickets can be purchased at the New Horizons Cinema’s box office or online via the website It is not possible to book tickets in advance. Tickets purchased cannot be returned.
Full ticket – 16 PLN
Reduced ticket – 13 PLN
Multiple ticket – 66PLN *
*Multiple tickets are available only at the box office.
Multiple tickets are personal. They are issued in the name given.
Multiple tickets cannot be passed to any other person.
Multiple tickets entitle you to attend all the screenings and accompanying events. Single ticket price in the package amounts 11 PLN.
Purchasing a multiple ticket, you buy only one ticket for a selected screening. You cannot buy more than one ticket for a given screening in the package.
Multiple tickets are only valid with single tickets for screenings. A multiple ticket and tickets for screenings must be kept available for inspection.
Duplicates of any tickets will not be issued.
Attention! The number of multiple tickets is limited.
The entrance is free and limited only by the number of seats available in the room. Priority is given to the people with valid tickets for a screening preceding the debate/meeting.